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Volunteer Requirements

Thank you for volunteering

~ Sunrise Little League is run completely by volunteers ~

~ By giving your time and energy you help Sunrise thrive ~

The following information is what is needed to be a Sunrise Little League (SLL) volunteer both legally and safely for the 2022 seasons. 

1.     All volunteers need to get registered ASAP for any position which was an opportunity provided at the time of online registration. However, if you didn’t register to volunteer at that time please contact your team manager or team parent. 

2.     All volunteers must complete the JDP background check as required by Little League International. 

3.     Volunteers that will be volunteering in at least 32 hours in the presence of children during 2022 (Managers, Coaches, Team Parents, Scorekeepers, Umpires & BoD members) need to have an up-to-date Live Scan and a supplemental child abuse and neglect training.

a.     Once the state provides SLL w/ the proper ORI code, it will be dispersed to the appropriate volunteers so they my get Live Scan fingerprinted at no cost. 

4.     All managers and coaches are required to do online CDC concussion training free of charge and a completion certificate downloaded. Other volunteers can do this as well, however it is not required.

The above steps are required to keep Sunrise Little League in compliance with both Little League international and California law. 

Effective January 1, 2022, per California AB 506, two persons who have completed both a Live Scans in child abuse and neglect reporting training to be present while conducting any SLL activities with youth a single volunteer cannot be alone with players at any time while performing SLL volunteering duties. This includes the beginning or end of practice or individual coaching sessions. 

Please be advised that SLL obtains criminal background checks for all volunteers, managers, coaches, board members, assistant coaches, umpires and any other persons, volunteers and / or hired workers who provide regular services to or who have repetitive access two records, and registered sex offender information. does not provide notification of subsequent arrest after the background check is completed, therefore background checks are completed annually. For additional information about sunrise little league's background check policy, please contact sunrise Little League. Additional information on Little League background checks can also be found at

Pursuant to California State law, Article 3 (commencing with section 11100) of chapter one of title one of part four of the Penal Code, criminal history information is used internally. Confidential criminal history information is not disclosed to the public. 


Woodland Hills Sunrise Baseball
20058 Ventura Blvd. #14, MAIL ONLY
Woodland Hills, California 91364

Email: [email protected]

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