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When does the season start and how long is it? 

Sunrise conducts two (2) separate baseball seasons, Spring and Fall:

 - Spring Season: Our primary season is in the Spring, which is sanctioned, governed and chartered by Little League Baseball. Opening day is the first Saturday that is closest to March 1st and the season will continue through late May/early June.

Fall Season: Typically, the first game is scheduled for the Saturday and Sunday after Labor Day Weekend.  If Labor Day falls late the first week of September games may begin on Tuesday after Labor Day.  The season ends the weekend before Veterans Day. 

How many baseball games are there and what day of the week are the games scheduled? 

  • Spring Season:
    • Approximately 14-18 games. Two games a week.  In most cases, there is 1 weekday game and 1 weekend game each week.
    • The days and times of the games vary each week, however, typically each division games are played on the same days of the week.
    •  The schedule is released mid-February.
    •  Games that are rained-out may be made up at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
  • Fall Season: 
    • Approximately 8 - 12 games.
    • Games are played on Saturday and Sunday and one weekday game for the first 4 weeks.
    •  Tball only plays on Sunday. 
    •  Games that are rained-out may be made up at the discretion of the Board of Directors

At what age can my child play at SLL?  How does league age differ from actual age? 

The league age is your child’s age as of August 31, 2025.  Click the link provided to see the league age chart. Please register your child for the appropriate program based on his/her league age. Please ask one of the league representatives if you are uncertain.  SLL serves children league ages 4 - 12 at our facilities.  Intermediates division players (league ages 13), can register at Northridge Little League under the Sunrise Boundaries. 


Woodland Hills Sunrise Baseball
20058 Ventura Blvd. #14, MAIL ONLY
Woodland Hills, California 91364

Email: [email protected]

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